1. The Small Storage Boxes help you well organize the diamond dots of different colors. When you are going to do a diamond painting, firstly sort the every different color to its box and label it with its symbol, then it cann't be more easier to take the diamond you want and quickly stick it to its location.
2. The Craft Knife can cut the canvas protective film to release only the area where you are going to finish.
3. Use The Straight Edge to keep the diamonds neatly alined, improving the efficiency and making painting more beautiful.
4. Diamond Dots Funnel helps you manage the diamond dots easily without the risk of spilling diamond dots over.
5. The Carry Case is made with lightweight & high quality. Just keep all the tool kits & painting accessories in order and you can take the portable carry case anywhere. Never lose your diamond dots or any tool kit again, also say goodbye to messy forever.